(Sometimes these tricks are the carrot that keeps the pony moving.)
2) Adam Tobin, owner of Unnameable, is interviewed at Prospect Heights Patch in a new series they are doing about working in PH, inspired by Studs Terkel's classic book Working. "I really love going through piles of books and picking out the ones that I want. I really enjoy trafficking in them, moving them from the hands of one person into the hands of another person. And just coming across surprising things all the time."

Have you read The Windup Girl? I just finished it not ten minutes ago. Instantly convinced to include on a syllabus. Hard-boiled, post-oil, biopunk. Really great. Hope all's well in Babylon. Peace.
No, I haven't read it. I've been stewing in books already bought.
The closest thing to Babylon in this gal's life are the plants hanging all over my apartment. We'll see what the winter brings.
Well the euphoria has dimmed somewhat. With a bit more perspective I can't say TWG offers as much of an insight into neoliberal dystopia as Oryx and Crake. Still, I'm interested in this notion of the final frontier of capitalist exploitation, the patenting of life. Zizek's got some thoughts on this: biotech as the last enclosure of the commons.
Other good one: Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher. Put out by Zero Books, just 80 pages but pretty compulsive reading. One idea being that the cohort that came of age post-Cold War have no referent for a world that is not structured by capitalist relations. He suggests that we need to start looking at mental health as a social issue: what's ADHD if not a bio-social response to prevailing conditions?
Impressed as always by your bibliophagy.
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