
Thursday, March 12, 2009

new buddies

So, I cleaned up the links a little and added two new ones:

Olduvai is a great book blog with a giant link list. See if you can get away without exploring.

Morbid Anatomy is like a portal into my mind! It's a great resource for creepy and amazing historical medical hoohaery. No only have we read and blogged about a few of the same things, but MA also features an extremely exhaustive link list.


How about some garden pics?

These are from last week, so the hellebores and daffodil, crocus and tulip shoots are even bigger now.

1 comment:

LOOKA said...


AND: Reasons to visit Vienna (except visiting it not because it's boooooring and expensive, and... other stuff) THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM has an awesome collection of pickled animals!

Good to see the flowers!