
Friday, January 08, 2010

Exclusive: blogger dies from lack of comments!

Bug girl, always a fount of information, has alerted me to the fact that many issues of the World Weekly News are now online through Google Books. Paging through the issues sends me to a few places in my past: collaging, zines, and the simple delight my brother found in buying those things at the supermarket. I am not sure exactly what he loved about them, but for me the benign absurdity was always a welcome distraction from more menacing ridiculousness.


Friend of Try Harder, the amazing SEC is signing the new Mome at Bergen Street Comics on Sunday. See you there.


Hooray! Robin talks with Corrine Mucha over at inkstuds. I love her work, and will review My Alaskan Summer soon soon soon.


Greg said...

I agree. Corrine Mucha is the bee's knees.

Your blog rules, that's for doing it!

Carrie said...

Thanks, Greg. And, even though everybody knows, I am going to say it: Tugboat Press is amazing.

Holy Prepuce! said...

True confession: I had a subscription to the Weekly World News. I may even have renewed it once.