
Monday, October 30, 2006

a life lesson learnt

Never put a shitload of Murray's pomade in your hair, even if it is too complete the look for a improvised, yet awesome Halloween costume, unless you are willing to be committed to that costume for at least four days.

Otherwise, you will look like you just need to be committed.

The only plus side to getting in the above predicament is that it could help you finish shortening the back of your hair easily and quickly.

P.S.- anyone know how to get an especially tenacious hair wax out of your hair?


Anonymous said...

Yes!! I do know! I had this happen to me one Halloween and I called a hair stylist friend, who told me the secret to getting that gunk out: Baby powder. Put baby powder in your hair and it will absorb all the grease. Then shampoo. It might take a couple of times, but it will work.

Carrie said...

As of November 7, my hair is back to normal. With patience, Coke and Dawn.