exhibit a) Like Son by Felicia Luna Lemus: I read about this when it came out from Akashic Books. Plus, how could you resist the Edward Weston portrait?
exhibit b) Slow Storm by Danica Novgordoff: I saw excerpts of this on the web somewhere and it stuck in my mind.
exhibit c) Science Fiction Cinema by Geoff King and Tanya Krzywinska: This was 70 cents, heavily underlined and bound to be a laff riot.
exhibit d) The Vet's Daughter by Barbara Comyns: It's NYRB and I'm no fool.
exhibit e) St. Lucy's Home for Girl's Raised by Wolves by Karen Russell: I heard it was good and enjoyed Russell's reading on the now RIP (?) KGB bar radio podcast.
Instead of heading to the river after dropping my 25 dollars, we went to a coffee shop and talked about serial killers and played Scrabble until the sun went down.
What did you do this Sunday?
Taking Photos in a park - complete with moskitos! Before that PIZZA. Then after that, home for pasta!
1. went on an early-morning latté date
2. handed in a monstrous freelance project
3. napped off the night before
4. worked on a magazine column pitch with a girfriend
5. went on a dinner date with the aforementioned latté date fellow
Fun! I had brunch at Le Gamin with the man, took a nap, knitted, and rode my bike to Brighton Beach! Then we went to see Mississippi Mermaid at BAM.
You are all powerhouses.
I also made some pasta and learned that I have no idea how to use my bike gears.
Bike gears are for suckas! My one-speed is actually an ancient three-speed featuring two useless gears and one ok one, like the three bears' bowls of porridge...too hot, too cold, just right.
#1 cycling pet peeve: riders who grind away from the intersection when the traffic light turns green and spend half a block pumping like mad and gearing up and down like they're off-roading or trying to hit their stride and pull ahead of Lance Armstrong...just in time to hit another red...and start all over again in 1.5 minutes.
A: you are a stronger woman than I.
I hate the double-parked cars!
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