
Friday, November 14, 2008


Even with no hot water, I managed to make it through the GRE today. I did better than I thought, causing my father to unleash a sports metaphor on me, nearly causing me to fall down flat in front of the Port Authority.

Now the hard part begins.

Any suggestions on rocking grad school applications would be greatly appreciated.


LOOKA said...

HEY, CLAP!CLAP!CLAP! (Goes on and on and on, much deserved for the run.) SUPER, ha?


Thanks to the intelligence net I now know that the GRE- is not that small part of sea leading to the bigger part of land called -ECE. That put together is part of the mediterranean all stars!

Carrie said...

Nope, sadly the GRE is a very long test that reminds you of how much math you've forgotten since high school.

Thanks for the applause!

Amanda said...

Hoooooorray for you today!

Anonymous said...

I think some programs focus more on the essay or statement that you write and others on letters of recommendation. For my statement, I started out really broad, what drew me to the discipline, etc and got really specific, writing about courses I wanted to take and professors I wanted to work with as well as the basic ideas I wanted to spend my time exploring...

It all depends on the program and the school, really.

Sara Corbett said...

I say tell a story--you're such an extraordinary story-teller, I think it would be a very effective way to convey your enthusiasm. It relates nicely to your program's relationship to books and literature, too. Boo-yah on the damn test!

amy said...

Yay! Congratulations. And I second Sara's idea about story-telling...something to make your application stand out. But not confetti. Trust me.